Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a hereditary disorder that effects the connective tissue of the body, most commonly the skin and the joints. Classical signs of EDS are hyper-flexible joints and stretchy, fragile skin. However other areas of the body can be affected as well.

The upper cervical spine, or upper neck, is a very unique and important area of the spine. The upper neck is held together by mainly tendons and ligaments (connective tissue), which is what allows the neck to be so mobile. This area is also the transition between the skull and the spine. Every message, to and from the brain, must pass through the upper neck. When there is misalignment at this transition point, the messages passing through are interrupted.

EDS causes the tendons and ligaments of the upper neck to become loose and unstable, and therefore more prone to misalignment. Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specific and gentle way to correct misalignment in the upper neck. By restoring proper alignment, messages can then pass through, allowing the body to function to the best of its ability. At Areté Chiropractic we are experts in evaluating for misalignment within the upper neck and correcting it in a safe and gentle manor.

If you or someone you know is affected by EDS and can benefit from the care that we provide, please call the office today to schedule your initial consultation.
